sýning DARK WHITE eftir Tine Melzer
sksiglo.is | Viðburðir | 06.01.2013 | 15:00 | Gunnar Smári Helgason | Lestrar 179 | Athugasemdir ( )
Sun. 6. janúar 2013 | kl. 15-18
Listhús í Fjallabyggð | Ægisgötu 10, 625 Ólafsfirði
Tine Melzer is a visual artist (BA, Rietveld Acaedemie, Amsterdam) and art teacher who studied philosophy (BA and MA), currently finishing her PhD at Planetary Collegium, UK. She always engages
in trans-disciplinary research and experiments on the relationship between word and image.
In DARK WHITE, she will show us her new works created during her stay Listhús.
Um Tine: http://www.tinemelzer.eu/
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